A day in my lawful life...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mere mortals...

It's funny... I could write about better things but not today... At the moment I write, a Malaysian girl is in a Nottingham ICU and the doctors have not established the cause of her ailment. She was found unconscious in her room after not answering her housemate's calls for a day. The good news however is it seems she seems to be semi-conscious now and the Malaysian Society (with the help of some charitable people) has managed to arrange to get the mother to come up and visit her.

But one thing which struck me after that.. was the discovery that an acquaintance who was studying engineering here had to leave for Malaysia a month back because they discovered she had eye cancer.. and it was in the 4th and last stage. It was a real shock. I don't really know her.. I met her at a church's friend's birthday party and met her here again while lining up to pay for fees on the week zero here. Don't get me wrong.. maybe this is all new to me. I've never had someone really close to me or even someone remotely close to me.. kick the bucket. I can say I hope they don't..but I know they will...as the saying goes 'In this world nothing can be
said to be certain, except death and taxes.' It kinda puts everything in perspective and makes you realises the stuff you take for granted. Live a little more. Forgive and forget better and don't hold those grudges. Having said that.. my prayers go out to Rosalind and her friends and family. I didn't know her well but I know she deserves more years to her name.


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