A day in my lawful life...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Long overdue....

Hey all,
Wow, it's been more than one month since my last update. Believe me, it's not coz not much has been happening but it's actually, the opposite. I just got back from a day down in London. The bus back from the Notts train station to my hall was funny. There were a huge bunch of young people behind me and there were two couples and the guys were actually helping the girls apply makeup. That's a new one.. didnt know applying make-up was one of the job requirements as a BF. Heh.

Anyway, I digress.. What have I been up to? Been spending every of my week nights witj Malaysian Night. Check it out at : www.nottsmalaysiannight.com Everything's going well but the work does seem never-ending...

I spent last weekend at a Magician's convention. I went down to Blackpool with the Magic Society and had a great time with em. There were lectures, close-up magic sessions (where the best close-up magicians showed us their routines) and there were gala shows on Saturday and Sunday night. The gala show was mind-blowing! There was a semi-David Copperfield wannable who did the whole metamorphosis (where the magician waves a bedsheet and changes into his lovely assistant.. talk about instant sex-change! ) There was the Men in Coats who parody magic and there was a mentalist martial artist! He poured wax over his eyes, wrapped it with bandages and covered it with aluminium foil and then he used nun-chucks to destroy a plank, a knife to stab a bag of flour and sliced a watermelon.. all held by members of the audinece.. blindfolded!

But the greatest magician was probably this guy who used techonology to perform magic where he had a giant screen tv and pre-recorded something on the TV. The guy on the TV was actually him and acted like he was his 'imaginary friend'. When the imaginary friend through stuff out the screen.. it actually popped out into real life! And he also did the opposite.. giving stuff to him.. like pouring milk and giving a bag of chips to him! The coolest part was when the person in the tv pressed REWIND and the magician actually 'rewinded' Man.. this is something you've got to see yourself.

Ahh..well.. that's all for now. With this flu I have , I've turned into a walking volcano of mucus and phelgm. Whee. Need all the rest I can get... Till next time, peeps! Take care all.


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