A day in my lawful life...

Monday, October 24, 2005


I spent Sunday night reading up for my constitutional tutorial.. reading about the political consitution and other material. It was quite interesting as the writer's opinion that was by using the judicary as a check against the government was not the way to go. Political decisions should be left to the politicians as they removable from office and can be held accountable after all. But i digress.. this is not my point of my post.

I arrived at my tutorial room.. feeling prepared.. and then after taking our attendance, our tutor suddenly mentions " 1 in 5 students fail Contract but last year it was 1 in 10.....etc" And I went like in my head, " Why the hell is he mentioning Contract in a Consti tutorial..??" I looked at my fellow tutees (is that the right word) and see if they registered the same look of bewilderment which i had on my face. Then, i started to look around the room.. and wait a darn minute.. why arent there any Consti books around?? *Whamp* It hit me like a sledgehammer in my chest.. I prepared for the bloody wrong tutorial! Haih... then.. I just had to play a poker face and keep it together i thought. THere were 7 of us to choose from to answer the questions. So, for the 1st case, he picked out one girl.. So phew.. lucky me.. and then for the next case, i was thinking hah! There's a 1 in 6 chance i'll be picked! Kept my poker face.. "Could we have Joachim tell us the facts of such-and-such case" and *Double Wham!* The sick twisting feeling in my stomach..argh.. and i sheepishly told him that i had prepared for the wrong tutorial. *sigh* Bad start for my 1st tutorial...

In other news, looks like i'll be running Snooker instead of Table Tennis. Mm...


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